Cures for Knee Pain – 3 Myths You Should Know
May 4, 2020 at 4:00 AM

Pain around the knee joint is a common health problem among older adults and athletes. The reality is, after years of use, the joint, ligaments, and tendons can become worn or damaged. The majority of knee problems are rooted in either repeated stress or age. Athletes also may run into knee trouble if they move too quickly or pivot the joint in a way that strains tissue.

Knee pain can have a hugely negative impact on your quality of life. When your knee hurts, it can be painful walking. Simple things such as walking up and down stairs or riding a bike can become challenging. And, you may not be able to enjoy activities you once loved like basketball, playing catch with the kids, or even fishing.

The good news is, there are a variety of helpful treatments and potential cures for knee pain. However, it’s important to know the difference between myth and fact when it comes to your health. Here are the common myths that you should know about if you’re looking for a way to resolve your knee problems.

Myth #1 - If I Take Anti-Inflammatories, I’ll Be Fine

Anti-inflammatories can help with general pain management in the short term. You may take ibuprofen if your knee hurts from a long run just as you would for a headache. But, anti-inflammatories aren’t a cure for knee pain.

Also, there are possible side effects so they aren’t something you should take over the long term. Taking anti-inflammatories frequently puts you at risk for serious issues, such as gastric bleeding and liver dysfunction. Medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen are better suited for short-term flare-ups. For chronic knee pain, a long term solution, such as regenerative stem cell therapy, may be the best option.

Myth #2 - Surgery Is the Only True Cure for Knee Pain

If you have chronic knee pain, you’ve probably looked into surgery. With this treatment, an orthopedic surgeon will replace the knee joint. The surgeon uses plastic and metal parts to help the knee function.

While a common treatment – according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, more than 600,000 knee replacements are performed in the US every year – this is not the only solution. Depending on your unique situation, it may also be far from the best cure for your pain.

Myth #3 - Regenerative Medicine Is Too New So It’s Not a Safe Cure for Knee Pain

While stem cell and platelet-rich plasma treatments are relatively new, that doesn’t mean they are less safe or less effective than other traditional treatments. In fact, with PRP and other forms of regenerative medicine, you can avoid the risk of side effects that can come with a knee replacement or cortisone shots.

PRP and stem cell therapy work by stimulating the body’s natural repair response. They are less invasive and have helped many people recover from knee issues.

Getting Help for Your Knee Pain

If you’re suffering from knee pain, you have options. Contact the caring team at Regenerative Medicine Clinic to learn more about stem cell PRP and stem cell therapy. Led by Carl Gittens, MD, we’ve helped our Florida clients with a range of issues, including knee pain, hip pain, and sports injuries. Combined with a healthy approach to weight loss and physical therapy, you may be able to enjoy a pain-free life without having to undergo invasive procedures.